
Google Meet Resources

Google Meet for Students 💁

Google Meet Guide for Teachers 🧑‍🏫

Google Meet Guide - Slides

Scroll through the slides, or click on the PDF to print the guide. I call this a one pager, but really it's two pages, so be sure to print front and back to have a Google Meet guide right next to you during your Google Meet adventures! 

Google Meet One Pager - PDF

Google Meet- Reminders, Tips, and Tricks _2025.pdf

Asynchronous vs Synchronous

Provide shorten digital activities where students are engaged in on-demand learning.

Teachers utilize google meet and other online engagement strategies to engage students in real-time learning. 

I Do, We Do, You Do

When your students are across screens it's important to still engage them in meaningful learning. Use the activities below to not just teach but engage students. 

Engage in Assessments

Students love kahoot, blooket, and Gimkit so why not host a game virtually? You can also run a peardeck virtually! Look at the resources below.

Student Choice

Choice boards are great to do virtually! Set one up with a jamboard or a slide, or create a page on Canvas or Seesaw and have them work during your meet.

Google Slides Templates

You can use any of the these templates to make your google meet more interactive.

Other Templates

You can use any of the these templates on an eLearning day.

Seesaw Agenda for Synchronous Learning ⏱️